Example Workflow: Evoked Postsynaptic Potentials (or Currents)
Pre-processing: Experiment Parameters
- For convenient batch processing, you can store experiment parameters
(e.g. sweep/trial number of a agonist) in a csv file. To generate a
blank template, use
Data Processing
- First, load the package and example data.
example_data <- system.file("extdata/demo_data",
package = "matools",
mustWork = TRUE
example_parameters <- system.file("extdata/demo_data",
package = "matools",
mustWork = TRUE
- This package works best when parameters and variables are stored
within a common environment and easily referenced by sequential
functions. To generate a
, runset_pkg_environment()
. To set parameter values run the following:
set_pkg_environment(force_new = TRUE)
# load the example data and parameters
# check for missing .asc files or experiment parameters
dir_filenames = matools_env$files_in_folder,
parameters = matools_env$parameters,
skip_prompt = TRUE
#> matools_env$files_to_process created
- Note: For this example we’ll only process the data for
, in your personal workflows, you can separate different experiments by creating distinct data folders and experiment parameter (.csv) files.
# example only: only process relevant data
matools_env$files_to_process <- "cell2"
- Next, sequentially load each (.asc) file as a tibble; calculate
additional values; and aggregate each modified tibble into collection
for (filename in matools_env$files_to_process) {
message(paste("Processing File:", filename))
data <- asc_to_tibble(
file_path = file.path(matools_env$directory_data, paste(filename, ".ASC", sep = ""))
set_experiment_parameters(matools_env$parameters, filename)
# modify the data frame
stimulus_time_first = matools_env$stimulus_time_of_first,
stimulus_count = matools_env$stimulus_count,
stimulus_isi = matools_env$stimulus_isi
data <- add_sweep_number_to_rows(
df = data,
sweep_duration = matools_env$sweep_duration_sec,
sweep_count = matools_env$sweep_total,
time_ref = "rec_time_ms"
data <- insert_rows_for_missing_sweeps(
df = data,
sweep_count = matools_env$sweep_total
data <- standardize_event_time(
df = data,
sweep_duration = matools_env$sweep_duration_sec,
time_ref = "rec_time_ms"
data <- add_stimulus_index(
df = data,
time_of_stim = matools_env$time_of_stimuli,
isi = matools_env$stimulus_isi,
sweep_count = matools_env$sweep_total,
recovery_stim = matools_env$stimulus_time_of_recovery
data <- add_event_index(data)
user_parameters <- dplyr::tibble(
condition_start = matools_env$condition_starts,
condition_end = matools_env$condition_ends,
condition = matools_env$condition_names
data <- add_condition_tag(
df = data,
parameters = user_parameters
data <- add_event_jitter(
df = data,
to_rise = FALSE
data <- add_normalized_amplitude(
df = data,
normalize_condition = "control",
normalize_stimulus = 1
data <- add_ppr(
df = data,
column_ref = "amplitude_normalized"
# aggregate data for plotting
if (!exists("data_collection")) {
data_collection <-
cell_id = filename,
experiment_id = matools_env$experiment_id,
data_events = list(data)
} else {
data_collection <-
cell_id = filename,
experiment_id = matools_env$experiment_id,
data_events = list(data)
#> Processing File: cell2
Data Plotting
- Now, let’s extract a single experiment from the aggregated data,
, and only look the first postsynaptic current after the experimental stimulus, i.e.filter(stimulus == 1)
library(magrittr, include.only = "%>%")
plot_data <- data_collection %>%
dplyr::filter(experiment_id == "exp_typeC") %>%
dplyr::filter(cell_id == "cell2") %>%
dplyr::select("data_events") %>%
tidyr::unnest("data_events") %>%
dplyr::filter(stimulus == 1)
- Finally, let’s plot the amplitudes for the example cell.
df = plot_data,
sweep_duration = 5,
ymax = 250,
y_label = "amplitude (pA)"
Additional References
- This example was modified from
, which is viewable within R and Rstudio viagetAnywhere(analysis_evoked_psp())
and available on github at https://github.com/trfore/matools/blob/main/R/workflows.R