Setup a Step CA Server (Non-Production)

  • This guide will demonstrate how to setup a Smallstep CA server. Configuration and certificates files are stored on the local disk at /etc/step-ca/, this path is assigned using the step_ca_path variable.

  • These values are for non-production use only, as it will perform the following:

    • Store root_ca.crt private key on the local disk at /etc/step-ca/secrets/root_ca_key.

    • Creates two password files, /etc/step-ca/password.txt and /etc/step-ca/password-provisioner.txt, that are read-write only by the system-user step.

  • Sensitive values are masked from ansible log, however, it is important to store these values using a form of encryption, e.g. ansible-vault.

  • Two configurations are presented, if you would like to issue SSH certificates skip to the next section: CA Server (x509 and SSH Certificates).

CA Server (x509 Certificates)

Variable Files

Create a group_vars/ca_server/vars/ca-vars.yml file.

step_ca_initialize: true
step_ca_enable_service: true
step_ca_name: " CA"
step_ca_password: "{{ vault_step_ca_password }}"
step_ca_provisioner_password: "{{ vault_step_ca_provisioner_password }}"

Create a group_vars/ca_server/vars/ca-provisioners.yml file.

  - name: "acme"
      type: "acme"
      renewal_after_expiry: true
      x509_default_dur: "48h"
      x509_max_dur: "168h"

Create a group_vars/ca_server/vault/vault.yml file and encrypt it.

vault_step_ca_password: "password01"
vault_step_ca_provisioner_password: "password02"
$ ansible-vault encrypt vars/vault.yml


Create a ca-server.yml playbook and run it.

- name: Setup Step CA Server
  hosts: ca-server
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
    - ca-vars.yml
    - ca-provisioners.yml
    - name: Install Step Certificates
      role: trfore.smallstep.step_ca

    - name: Add Smallstep Provisioner
      role: trfore.smallstep.step_provisioner
$ ansible-playbook ca-server.yml --vault-password-file ~/.ansible_vault_key

CA Directory Layout

  • The following files will be created:

|-- certs
|   |-- intermediate_ca.crt
|   `-- root_ca.crt
|-- config
|   |-- ca.json
|   `-- defaults.json
|-- db
|   |-- 000000.vlog
|   |-- LOCK
|   `-- MANIFEST
|-- password-provisioner.txt
|-- password.txt
|-- secrets
|   |-- intermediate_ca_key
|   `-- root_ca_key
`-- templates

CA Server (x509 and SSH Certificates)

  • For OIDC, configure external the identity provider. See links below: OAuth2 Credentials.

Variable Files

Create a group_vars/ca_server/vars/ca-vars.yml file.

step_ca_initialize: true
step_ca_enable_service: true
step_ca_name: " CA"
step_ca_password: "{{ vault_step_ca_password }}"
step_ca_provisioner_password: "{{ vault_step_ca_provisioner_password }}"
step_ca_ssh_mgmt: true

Create a group_vars/ca_server/vars/ca-provisioners.yml file.

  - name: "acme"
      type: "acme"
      renewal_after_expiry: true
      x509_default_dur: "48h"
      x509_max_dur: "168h"
  - name: "google"
      type: "oidc"
      ssh: true
      client_id: "{{ vault_oidc_client_id }}"         # From GCP API Config
      client_secret: "{{ vault_oidc_client_secret }}" # From GCP API Config
      config_endpoint: ""
      domain: ""
  - name: "sshpop"
      type: "sshpop"
      ssh: true

Create a group_vars/ca_server/vault/vault.yml file and encrypt it.

vault_step_ca_password: "password01"
vault_step_ca_provisioner_password: "password02"
vault_oidc_client_id: "123"     # From GCP API Config
vault_oidc_client_secret: "456" # From GCP API Config
$ ansible-vault encrypt vars/vault.yml


Create a ca-server.yml playbook and run it.

- name: Setup Step CA Server
  hosts: ca-server
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
    - ca-vars.yml
    - ca-provisioners.yml
    - name: Install Step Certificates
      role: trfore.smallstep.step_ca

    - name: Add Smallstep Provisioner
      role: trfore.smallstep.step_provisioner
$ ansible-playbook ca-server.yml --vault-password-file ~/.ansible_vault_key

CA Directory Layout

  • The following files will be created:

|-- certs
|   |-- intermediate_ca.crt
|   |-- root_ca.crt
|   |--
|   `--
|-- config
|   |-- ca.json
|   `-- defaults.json
|-- db
|   |-- 000000.vlog
|   |-- LOCK
|   `-- MANIFEST
|-- password-provisioner.txt
|-- password.txt
|-- secrets
|   |-- intermediate_ca_key
|   |-- root_ca_key
|   |-- ssh_host_ca_key
|   `-- ssh_user_ca_key
`-- templates
    `-- ssh
        |-- ca.tpl
        |-- config.tpl
        |-- known_hosts.tpl
        |-- sshd_config.tpl
        |-- step_config.tpl
        `-- step_includes.tpl

Additional Guides and References

OAuth2 Credentials